Monday, August 29, 2011

Social Media Marketing: Market Beyond The ... - Business Media

Social Media Marketing: Market Beyond The Search Engine

Article by Pankaj K Singh

The traditional technique of promoting your business in local market by distributing pamphlets, advertising on radio and television, door to door marketing are of no use now a days. The generation has changed with the change in technology every individual is now a tech savvy and want all information from internet. Since the invention of internet technology the number of users have increased tremendously, today more than millions of people are used to internet where as some totally depend on internet to earn for livelihood. In this modern generation where peoples are daily addicted to internet, it has opened a great source for promoting or advertising business online.

In the beginning when internet was new in market, no one had ever thought that it will open such a great source for generating customers to business. As the number of users increased and became great sources of attraction to people worldwide every business entrepreneur started thinking to advertise their business online. But it wasn?t as simple as the technology was not so advanced the cost per advertisement online was touching sky. With the time many new sites started establishing and everyone started offering space for advertisement, at last a big change came into existence this was when the social media sites were invented.

Social media sites were those sites where people were coming for entertainment, such as for viewing or sharing video, music, etc? Social media also included sites that were giving free registration service and invited people to connect with each other for sharing their ideas. The social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, etc were some of those sites providing free services. People didn?t thought they would use these social networking sites for promoting or marketing their business. But later when the number of users started increasing and the site became famous, everyone was attracted to advertise their product and service.

The invention of Social media or social networking sites was done with the intention to share views, photos and video with the loved ones. Each and every user registered to these social networking sites wanted to raise their number of friends or fans. With the increase in number of friends they also got the royalty to be the oldest member of these social networking sites. This increased number of friends attracted many big business firms to advertise their product and services. The person with lots of friends added got huge revenue for advertising product and services of any big business firm.

Later on many companies created their own business profile in these social networking sites and started promoting their products online. With the increasing number of users the competition for advertising on these social networking sites also increased tremendously. Each and every business firm wanted to increase the number of friends and fans in their profile, but the task wasn?t that easy as they thought. With the increasing competition every business firm was serious in promoting their business profile on top hence they started hiring professional social media marketers. These professional social media marketers were the oldest users of social media sites and had A to Z knowledge of social media rules and regulations.They were capable in advertising and promoting business in social media sites very effectively, however their fees hiring these professional social media marketers were very high. But now days the numbers of social media marketers have increased and today you can find hundreds of marketers ready to take your project at cheapest rate online. If you don?t have the budget to hire a professional social media marketer you can also start promoting your business yourself there are some important points that you need to keep in mind before promoting your business product or service in social media sites.

Just creating a business profile online is not enough to promote your business online you need to increase the number of fan in your profiles. Profile without friends or fans are useless for promotion, hence this is considered the important point to keep in mind before promoting your business online. Second and most important point is to provide useful product and service to the viewers; you should always check whether the product you are promoting is useful to the customer. You can judge this by practicing the product or service yourself, if you feel satisfied with the product or service than you can promote with full confidence online.

Social media marketing is considered a powerful service to provide a strong impact on your business, but before that you need to have a very strong impact our profile. If you profile looks dull and is not having attractive news or information for viewers they will not be interested in adding you to their friend list. When you register to social media sites you are not kept private all your information?s are viewable by others hence you should be very attentive and serious for creating a powerful profile online. Provide something different or unique to customers online they should get to know that I am important to certain business and I should take the initiative to promote the business online.

Like this you can easily let your clients or customers carry you to the next level, when you provide special discount or voucher for your clients online this attract lots more people who are interested in getting discounted services from your business and hence they will add you to their friends or fan list. With the help of social media marketing you can generate good leads for your business, the number of visitors or traffic to your website will also increase tremendously. Once you are up with a successful business profile on social media sites you will get guaranteed leads on your promotion for every single product or brand.

With the help of these social media sites you will be able to generate high leads and sale with maximum ROI in your business. Many business firms are optimizing the social media marketing strategy for promoting their business; don?t waste your time because your competitor might have made the decision to promote their business online. Good Luck!

About the Author

Mr. Pankaj is a SEO expert, providing SEO Services India and lot more. He came from a technical background. He did MCA from a reputed institution in India. After just one year and great success in the role, Pankaj was promoted to SEO Manager (Operations). He is passionate about internet marketing technology and love to spend the valuable time to research and operate SEO operations Team. Explore SMO Services.

Social media has become a phenomenon beyond words. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world have joined the party. In a millisecond, millions of people can know everything about everything and everyone. You knew it couldn?t be long before business got involved. Small business, big business, your business. I?m 65-years-young. I?ve seen a lot of opportunities come and go. I have also seen the complete evolution of the computer, and the complete evolution of the Internet. But never have I seen, or could I have imagined, an opportunity so great as business social media. And the best part is, it?s just beginning. Now is your time to take full advantage of this low-cost (often no-cost), global, and local opportunity. When companies like Procter & Gamble, Dell, Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Zappos, and Amazon dive head first into the process, you can be certain there is plenty of opportunity and plenty of room for you to do the same. BUSINESS SOCIAL MEDIA REQUIRES AN INVESTMENT: Your time. You must be willing to allocate an hour a day to build your network. When you do, and do it right, the rewards will be beyond your ability to measure. You will reconnect with business associates and you?ll attract people and prospective customers to connect with you a thousand times faster and 10 thousand times better than making the 100-year-old cold call. Business social media is the new cold call. You?ll make sales, you?ll create loyal customers, and you will profit from your ability to ?
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