Sunday, August 14, 2011

Health And Fitness | Your Garden As Natures Medicine Chest :: By ...

With the cost of groceries (with the cost of everything) on the rise, many gardeners turn to their own backyards to help out by contributing fresh produce to the table. But backyard vegetable and herb gardens can do more than fill the tummy with flavorful foods; they can even enhance your health by producing items that are known to effectively prevent and treat some common illnesses and health conditions.

Few vegetables are as common worldwide as the onion. The onion (and its myriad of types) is eaten raw or used to flavor a vast array of dishes in a multitude of cuisines. But this staple has more to offer than just taste. Onions appear to have many medicinal properties. American pioneers believed wild onions alleviated cold symptoms. Research suggests that there may, indeed, be a scientific basis for their ability to reduce cold symptoms, particularly a sore throat. Of course, there are many claims that onions can guard against heart disease, osteoporosis, and many other conditions, but these have not been substantiated by modern medicine; however, onions have been popular for their medicinal properties for centuries. Studies do suggest that onions with the most phenols have considerable antioxidant activity and, therefore, may help reduce the risk for some cancers.

Closely related to the onion, garlic is also a medicinally potent agent that is popular in kitchens around the world. Although its precise action within the human body is unclear, garlic has been shown to contain antibacterial, antifungal, and even antiviral properties in test situations. Historically, many people have claimed that garlic does, indeed, help people battle infections and digestion problems. Today, research is suggesting that garlic may also have the power to reduce to the risk for heart disease and some types of cancers. Like onions, garlic is nutritionally potent and should be a staple for most kitchens.

Rosemary is a common herb used to flavor many dishes. It has recently garnered significant medical attention due to some studies that suggest it may have potential to lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and Alzheimer's. The carnosic acid contained in the herb may reduce the risk of stroke as well due to its ability to protect the brain from free radicals. Furthermore, rosemary has been shown to contain some anti-carcinogenic properties as well.

Although they are native to South America, tomatoes are grown throughout the world today and popular for their many culinary uses. Since tomatoes contain high levels of lycopene, an antioxidant powerhouse, they are believed to benefit many of the body's organs such as the heart. Studies suggest that cooked tomatoes may even reduce the risk for colon, breast, and head and neck cancers. Researchers also believe that tomatoes may help guard against some neurodegenerative diseases too.

Sweet potatoes are an important food source worldwide. Additionally, they have some health benefits that make them worth cultivating in your backyard garden. Some studies are suggesting that sweet potatoes may have the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels for diabetics and may even be able to decrease insulin resistance. Sweet potatoes are also high in beta carotene and dietary fiber—important features of good nutrition.

Many herbs, vegetables, and fruits offer benefits to specific aspects of health. Consider the potential health benefits of plantings as you approach the next growing season. While taste and culinary use are important features of your plantings, the value of your plantings may not stop there—they may help your overall health too.

About Author Steve Kelly :

Cinergy Health & Life Insurance Agency is dedicated to providing quality health and life insurance plans for people in a variety of life situations. For more information on a selection of health and insurance topics, visit

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Article Added on Friday, August 12, 2011

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