Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Get Cheap Travel Insurance Online | Fly Fed

Cheap Travel Insurance

How to Get Cheap Travel Insurance Online

With the all important summer vacation booked it is now time to go and purchase that essential travel insurance. In most cases, travel insurance cover and policies are never claimed on, and if you look at it this way travel insurance cover may seem like a total waste of time and money. However it is always having a contingency plan in place just in case the worst does come to the worst, so it is always advisable to have some travel insurance cover in place.

All tour operators will offer direct travel insurance at the time the summer vacation is booked, which can be added on to the overall cost of the vacation, if that is how you want to proceed. Buying the travel insurance with the summer vacation is a quick and easy option and may seem to be the right cause of action however it is worth taking a step back. It is worth remembering the tour operator sells summer vacations, it is not an insurance company. The tour operators are acting as an intermediary, a middleman if you like, which is another link in the chain which will increase the cost. The tour operator will want to be remunerated for selling the travel insurance cover and this is achieved by increasing the price.

When booking a summer vacation through the tour operator you should always decline the travel insurance cover. Regardless of how easy it is to buy the travel insurance cover, how much time you think you are going to save by taking out the travel insurance at the time of booking, always resist. The travel insurance cover can always be bought cheaper buy going direct. In order to save money on travel insurance you are going to need to get an alternative travel insurance quote or quotes.

One method is to get the directory and note down a number of different insurance companies to call. Once the list is devised each insurance company is called and a quote obtained. Calling several different insurance companies in order to get a travel insurance quote is a longwinded and tiresome process. When calling insurance companies it is not uncommon to be put on hold for several minutes whilst waiting to talk to an advisor. When you finally do get to speak to an advisor you have to provide all your details and the level of cover you want, and then wait for the quote. Having to talk to one insurance company is going to take some time, so talking to several insurance companies can take hours. Having to provide the same details and repeating yourself over and over again also gets tiresome but you will need to do this if calling several insurance companies. Calling several different insurance companies could actually see you paying more for the travel insurance than if you had bought it from the tour operator in the first instance. Think about it, all those phone calls and the time spent on the phone could lead to an increase in the phone bill that is more than the money saved.

So, how do you go about buying the cheapest holiday insurance, and getting several travel insurance quotes without having to call several different insurance companies? The most cost effective way to get travel insurance or vacation insurance is to buy online insurance, so it?s time to fire up the internet and get surfing. All of the major insurance companies have a website whereby you can input your details and the level of cover required and buy the travel insurance online. However, just like when calling the insurance companies you are going to have to enter your details numerous times to get several quotes, which is going to take a bit of time. This is also a very monotonous task.

Fortunately, there are websites that allow you to compare online travel insurance quotes from several different insurance companies, and all of the major insurance companies are represented. The major advantage of these sites is that you only need to enter your personal details and the level of cover required once. This information is then passed to the insurance companies who will then provide you with a quote. There are many different types of travel insurance price comparison websites, including the likes of and, amongst many others. At this point many people will ask the question ?which is the best insurance price comparison website?? In reality, all are pretty much the same as each other and neither one is head and shoulders above the rest, so the ultimate choice is entirely up to each individual.

The travel insurance price comparison websites are very easy to use. The interface is so user friendly and you will be directed through the online buying process step by step. If you leave any required fields unanswered you cannot progress through the process until the field is completed. If you make an error it is easy to go back to the relevant screen and correct it. These comparison websites are a pleasure to use and entering your details and the level of cover required does not take too long.

Once your details are entered it is simply a case of hitting the get quotes button and waiting for the travel insurance quotes to come rolling in. Once all the quotes are gathered a summary of all the main features of each are displayed on screen allowing you to make a comparison. It is important to note that each travel insurance quote should be carefully looked at. Never choose a travel insurance policy based solely on price as the cheapest is not always the best.

It is not uncommon for some insurance companies to offer exceptionally cheap travel insurance quotes in a bid to lure in the unsuspecting person. These cheap quotes often omit many essential features and once these are added on the price of the travel insurance policy will substantially increase. Those who do not read the small print and buy the cheap travel insurance policies without adding on the omitted features could find themselves significantly underinsured, which is not good if a claim is to be made. Before buying any travel insurance online read the small print and make sure it covers all of your travel insurance requirements. If the travel insurance policy doesn?t have all the features add them and see what difference this makes to the price, or move on and look at the next quote.

Once you have found the most suitable quote it is time to buy the travel insurance policy. All of these websites will be secure so you should have no issues in simply tapping in your credit card number and paying for the policy. You may wish to call the insurance company and pay over the phone, however this offers little advantages. Unlike other types of insurance policies, which can be complex, travel insurance is simple and contains few variables therefore the chances of erroneous details should be slim and not create any problems.

So, in order to get the cheapest and most affordable direct travel insurance you need to say no to the tour operator when paying for the summer vacation and then get on the internet and check out one of the many online travel insurance price comparison websites.

Insurance Glossary

Cheap Travel Insurance ? click on the image below for more information.

Cheap Travel Insurance

Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of potential financial loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium and duty of care.Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of potential financial loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from

Insurance Glossary

Click on the button for more Cheap Travel Insurance information and reviews.

1Cover Travel Insurance

Cheap Travel Insurance question by T-C: Is it safe to buy cheap travel insurance online?
I?m going on holiday on Thursday with my friends, and originally we were going without travel insurance. However, I changed my mind, and was looking for cheap insurance. I found a policy that has ?10m medical expenses, ?2m personal liability cover, ?3000 cancellation cover and ?2000 baggage cover, and all for ?4.73. Is this too good to be true?
The company?s called Columbus Direct Europe, and they?re one of loads. There were 2000 hits on the site I went on. It?s not that I don?t trust them ? I?m sure they?re probably great, but is it wise to get cheap insurance online? I don?t want to get injured or anything and then find the company is a rip off!

Cheap Travel Insurance best answer:

Answer by james m
Personally, I think that travel insurance isn?t worth purchasing. Here are several reasons:

For medical expenses, the common carrier has liability insurance to cover any injuries that they are responsible for. If they lose your luggage, they are responsible to reimburse you for the items they lost. If you are accidentally killed, or received a permanent injury, they are responsible, and have liability insurance to cover it.

The reason for the small price for the travel insurance is the chances of it paying off are really slim.

If you want the coverage just for peace of mind, buy it. I don?t think I would personally buy it. To me it?s a waste of money.


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