Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to Generate Leads and Sales | The Gatekeepers Post

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What is marketing? Marketing is about sharing value with new and existing customers. It?s not about being pushy or manipulating potential customers into purchasing your products and or services. Its? not about treating people as if they?re cats; waving sparkly, razzle dazzle marketing campaigns in front of them won?t work. They?ll see through the ?smoke and mirrors? and walk on. Follow the strategies below to generate fruitful leads and sales.

10 Lead and Sale Generation Strategies

1. Partnerships. Form partnerships with ?like-minded? business owners that have the same target market as you do. There?s strength in numbers! You could combine resources and opportunities. Hold events and maximize your expertise. You can grow your business by strategically working with others.

2. Speaking engagements. Most people would rather have root canal than speak in front of an audience. But it will pay for you to get over your fear of public speaking. Speaking allows an audience to experience your passion first-hand; they?ll be able to see and get a ?feel? for you. They?ll be able to assess your sincerity and knowledge. People like and feel comfortable working with people they know. More importantly, the best form of advertising is word-of-mouth. All it takes is one person to tell someone else about you and before you know it, the word will spread that you?re an expert in your field.

3. ?Content writing. This includes article and blog writing; eBooks, newsletters, press releases and other writings. Provide unique and timely content to your target market. Build relationships with your target audience by providing relevant and useful tips, tricks, tutorials, newsletters, eBooks, etc. Customers and potential customers should be able to implement your information straightaway.

4. Networking. Attend various networking events and get to know people in your field or those who compliment your business. Build relationships and ask, ?What can I do for you? How may I help?? You?ll be surprised by the reaction you receive.

5. Link exchanges. This is a great way to increase your visibility. Make sure you exchange links with those who complement or match your target audience.

6. Referrals. Ask current clients/customers for referrals. Most business owners don?t like to ask for referrals; however, it?s in your best interest to ask for them. Let?s face it; if your customers are happy with you and your products/services, why wouldn?t they want to refer you?

7. Social media. Focus on two to three social networks and stick with them. The top three are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, you may find that Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Bebo, Flickr, Digg or another network works better for you and your business. Keep your ?target audience? in mind when you utilize social network sites. For example, did you know that 72% of Facebook users are ages 25-54? If your target audience is teenagers, they may prefer Tumblr to Facebook because their parents want to ?friend? them on Facebook and they don?t like that.

8. Teleseminars and webinars. If you decide to conduct a teleseminar or webinar, please provide attendees with substantial information, not 60-90 minutes of a fluff and sales. I?m speaking from experience. I?ve attended many, many teleseminars and webinars and thought, ?I wasted 60-90 minutes of my time for this; I didn?t learn anything. Why did I sign up? What was I thinking? I was hooked, line and sinker. I?m not the target market. This was nothing but a ?sales? fest.? ?Potential customers will be turned off if your teleseminars and or webinars are nothing but a sales promotion.

9. Direct mail. If you?re new to an area, introduce yourself to local businesses. They won?t know about you unless you tell them you?re available to solve their problem. You may consider holding a promotion that?s specifically for the businesses in your area.

10. Podcast and or video series. Have you ever wanted a career in radio or television? Creating a podcast (you could use Blog Talk Radio) or video series could do wonders for you and your business. You can use programs such as Audacity to quickly and smoothly create valuable podcasts. You?re probably familiar with YouTube. Keep podcasts under 15 minutes; videos between 5-10 minutes. Some people want to get the most out of a podcast/video in the shortest amount of time. If you?re podcast or video is too long, you may lose customers.


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