Friday, February 1, 2013

Figures: White House Blames GOP for Awful GDP Numbers

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Obamanomics, Obama?s spending and defense cuts wanted by liberals had no effect. It?s the same old tactic we?ve seen for the past 4-years. Blame others for your policy failures.

From The Hill:

White House press secretary Jay Carney laid the blame for a surprise economic contraction squarely at the feet of congressional Republicans Wednesday, saying?economic threats during the ?fiscal cliff? negotiations had prevented important defense spending.

?Our economy is facing a major headwinds, and that?s Republicans in Congress,? Carney said.

The Commerce Department projected Wednesday that the nation?s gross domestic product (GDP) shrank by 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Carney said that was partially attributable to the threat of sequestration, which would implement across-the-board spending cuts if a long-term deficit deal is not reached.

?This is political brinkmanship that results in one primary victim. That?s American taxpayers and the American middle class,? Carney said, acknowledging the GDP projection was bad news.

Republicans have attempted to get Obama and his party to stop spending. Obama/Dems pushed for defense cuts instead of tackling entitlements. This is the cuts they wanted and are getting. As for the middle class, they?re taxes are up due to Democrats.

[...]?These arbitrary, automatic cuts were a creation and demand of the White House in 2011,? said Buck. ?Twice the House has passed legislation to replace them with common sense cuts and reforms. If there was any uncertainty late last year about the sequester, it was because the Democratic-controlled Senate, per usual, never lifted a finger to pass a plan to replace it.?

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