Saturday, September 8, 2012

Toy Dogs | Pedigree Pets | Puppy Dog

Friday, September 7th, 2012

These small dogs are very much like babies when it comes to looking after them. Very often they can?t get up stairs on their own, or down, and will need the owner to pamper them much more than the normal boisterous dogs that drag the owners out for walks at all times of the day and night.

For these small dogs, dog baskets and other accoutrements come in a vast array of styles and finishes. Most dog baskets come in a variety of sizes and the smaller ones will be adequate for this mini dog. Indeed, some owners have taken to carrying around this tiny pet in a kind of handbag, which although may look chic and fashionable, it may not be the best way to treat a valued pet.

Pedigree toy dogs do tend to feel the cold and when looking for the right dog basket, those with raised sides, but with a lower front so that they can get into the basket easily, are probably the best ones to get.

Fake fur or natural sheepskin will ensure that the tiny pooch will stay warm overnight but tucking in a small fluffy toy will also make it feel very secure. If the house is particularly cold, a small hot water bottle can also be included just to get it off to sleep nicely.

For the really pampered pet, some of these wonderful dog baskets, or ?nests? as they are sometimes called, come in some wonderful suede effect material. This really is a smart alternative for those dog baskets which grace the homes of the really trendy set. If the dog is prone to get chills, then also purchase a dog duvet to snuggle them down for the night. Adding a small fluffy toy may also make it feel more secure when the owner disappears for the night.

Indeed, it is probably healthier for the dog to have its own dog basket, but some people will insist on having the dog on the bed to sleep. This truly is not a good thing to do particularly if there are children in the house. Getting the dog used to its own place right from the start is the best way to stop any bad behavior right in its tracks. Breaking a bad habit is far harder than starting a good one when the dog is still very young. Normally it is the owner who teaches the pooch bad habits so try to avoid this situation at all costs.
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