Sunday, September 23, 2012

Don't Kill Your Business! Avoid These 5 Major Online Marketing ...

As you are well aware, entrepreneurs, start-ups and small businesses are bombarded with information from all over about the best ways to market your business and when to do it to make your business a success.

Or is it?

Not all information is quality information, and too much choice can be overwhelming. Too much information leads to confusion, confusion leads to mistakes, and making mistakes with your marketing can have a devastating impact on your business.

I?ve seen entrepreneurs and small businesses making the same mistakes over and over- and do you want to know the worst part? Those mistakes are totally preventable.

1. Lack of Focus

It?s all too easy to get distracted by the dynamic world of internet marketing. New tools, new techniques, social media platforms ? it?s full of shiny, exciting toys all claiming to offer amazing fast track solutions for your business ? but this can often result in entrepreneurs switching their current marketing plans for each new enticing thing that comes along.

Keeping up with trends and consumers is a vital part of business, but it is vital to remain focused, select the best tools for the job and see your campaigns through to completion. Don?t try everything new that comes along. Give your campaigns a solid grounding in tried and tested methods such as existing social media and email marketing, and then if you have the time and resources to invest in carefully researching and testing new marketing options, do so.

Don?t lose focus!

2. Over-Complicating

How often do you come across a piece of marketing content that grabs your attention, hooks you in and then? well, you?re not really sure what it does next because it just leaves you feeling a bit confused.

Needless to say if your audience is unsure about what it is you are promoting, they are not going to respond, meaning your efforts will be wasted.

Use clear, simple language and state clearly and concisely who you are, what you are promoting, and who it is for, in as few words as possible and use images wherever possible.

3. Not Having a Clear CTA

How are any of your prospective clients supposed to do what you want them to if you don?t tell them what that is?

It might sound simple, but you?d be amazed how often marketers actually forget to include a call to action in their marketing copy. Even something as small as a twitter tweet should include a clear (call-to-action) CTA, and it should certainly be the main focus of any significant promotional copy.

For example, your first CTA might be in a blog article, tweet or email newsletter getting people to clickthrough to a page on your site ? don?t lose your leads at the crucial moment!

Your second CTA must then instruct those people arriving at your site to complete your desired action.

Be clear and obvious and make it as straightforward and easy as possible for them to do so. Make sure content, images and visual organization all directs them to take the action you want them to, and give them ample opportunity to do so such as sign-up or buy now buttons on every page.

Remember ? keep it clear and simple!

4. Lack of Follow Up

Don?t make the mistake of thinking that once you?ve got a lead you?ve done all the hard work! You?ve got to be prepared to put that extra little bit of effort in to convert that lead if necessary.

Make yourself available to answer any queries or concerns your clients may have and follow up on the web, with emails or phone calls.

Focus your efforts on motivating all your prospects through your cycle to conversion.

5. Repeated Bad Timing

Getting in front of the right people at the right time is critical to any successful marketing campaign. It can be the difference between gaining a sign up or making a sale and losing a lead altogether. Step up to the beat by monitoring trends and social networks, testing your email marketing frequency nurturing your leads with auto-response software.

Some people make spur of the moment buying decisions, but most need to become familiar with your services and products, and this takes time.

If you want your marketing to work, you need to ensure that your prospects see or hear it regularly.

With a bit of common sense and organization these potentially damaging mistakes are easy to avoid ? so don?t make them! Take some time to go back to the basics of your business and re-evaluate your marketing strategy. Have a clear mission and goals and have all the right measures in place before you start any new campaign and your business will run smoothly and achieve great things from your marketing going forward!


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