Saturday, October 8, 2011

The importance of Mobile phone use and brain ... - Nomadas Urbanos

The use of cell phones seized the world. From oldest to youngest, are using mobile phones. Many families have no home phone, simply because the cells take their place. So many people use dual sim phones, devices on their lives. TV networks, movie studios, music industry, and large Internet companies, capitalized on a mobile phone on their goals.
Several years ago, hired a large number of mobile application development, many companies are building a new generation of mobile phones and internet interaction. Now we see that the high level of productivity with a wireless mobile unit now. Then, we can say that mobile phones to stay, or what?
Most people believe that mobile phones are here to stay, but our health costs. Yes, the phone is convenient, so we use it. We use mobile phones so much that is caused by road accidents left and right. This method, which affects our health, of course, negative. Anyone can prove that cell phone talking you see someone driving in most cases these drivers are so involved in their conversation, they do not even know what?s going on around them, roads and transportation.
This is a rare cell phone next to the talkative lady, and one of the vehicles at the helm. Rule: always on the phone driver observation. Make sure that the driving of vehicles on the horn, because it may be necessary at any time. Accidents distributed to people on their cell phone and drive at the same time, but it is the only threat to human health associated with a mobile phone? No! Instead, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) study.
Some in the scientific community that the use of keypad mobile phone on human health is a big risk, because it sends out radio frequency (RF), resulting in a potential form of cancer radiation. In fact, no one knows how much radiation is safe for human recognition. Wireless spectrum is a relatively new technology, so that radiation from mobile phones affect the human body has not been well studied, (NCI) in. There was not enough time to see the long-term effects, the use of cell phones, do not provide sufficient data.
Why are all on cell phone use and brain cancer, to make a fuss? So the answer here. According to the National Cancer Institute, mobile phone radio frequency (RF) energy, which is another name for radio waves. Exposed to high levels of RF energy heat human tissue thought about why the phone when heated for a long time, he said, enough! According to the study NCI, RF energy from cell phones is too low, which leads to significant heating of tissues and tissue damage.


Current studies of the brain and central nervous system tumors and other parts of the head and neck, as well as the human side of the head where their cell phones, talking all the time. Phone held next to the first use. Although the study did not reveal the use of mobile phones and consistent communication between cancer. More research is needed before the company can confirm, (NCI) in.
Cell phone users are radiofrequency energy via an antenna device. In fact, hand-held mobile phone antenna phone, it is likely to affect the brain and nervous system later, since it is at the head. Therefore, the closer the antenna head, RF exposure, the greater the risk. Thus, a person will absorb the energy of radio frequency, however, when the mobile unit a considerable distance from the user (NCI) antenna.
The important point is that communication towers or base away from the phone, the user increases the amount of energy of Russia. In other words, cell phones, radio frequency energy to increase production, the main tower far away, so that the introduction of higher levels of radio users. Thus, the cell phone tower closer, less energy is generated by the phone, and, thus, less radiation from mobile phones will be on display. This raises an important question. How can a man with cell phone towers to escape away from the treatment?
You should not be penny wise and pound foolish. In general, the cheaper the phone and plan new and less established mobile phone company was the overall low quality of the welcome drop calls, etc. This means that the tower would be far from each other. When the tower is far have to keep in touch with the energy of the RF is much higher. All this will be a high degree of radiation directly to the user?s body, especially when the wireless device in close body, such as the head.
It costs millions of dollars to the telephone company to communication towers. Therefore, if a company wants to always provide half the cost of mobile services continue to rate the company will not have the income to establish a number of communications towers, so the tower, these companies will have significantly less than traditional high-level mobile phone that has existed for a long time.
Thus, people will be more RF radiation exposure and less well-known companies, rather than the better-known mobile phone company, as the lesser-known companies will not build a building of the tower and plenty of capital. Yes, the company may be able to provide great mobile phone plans and operations, however, the rate of radiation exposure will be higher. Not necessarily have to be rocket scientist idea! Thus, little-known and more popular cell phone companies to become more communications towers, will have a higher plan will be the phone!
There are several factors to determine how much radio frequency energy, the mobile phone user. Some of them include a phone number, call duration, number of telephone traffic measuring mobile devices, as well as the expansion of the antenna distance unit (NCI),. In fact, many people talk on the phone for a long time, it?s not a good idea. It is best to keep calls to a minimum. pda cell phone should only be used with caution.
Cell phone use on children and long-term exposure of young people? NCI researchers conducted a study, if the child using a mobile phone brain cancer risk. In a study of people over 18 years. The study found that children use cell phones no risks. In fact, only a very small number of children using mobile phones before the study date. Thus, there is no information about the risks of data. However, there are problems, such as ionizing radiation and other chemical agents of some of the greatest risks to the child, because they can affect the developing brain and nervous system. Nevertheless, this study found that cellular phone radiation has not been shown that as a result of this time, at any age of human brain tumors. More research is needed to completely eliminate the possibility of mobile phone-induced cancer.
The bottom line is that mobile phones should be used with caution, because no one knows for sure if they cause cancer in humans. Rule of thumb: always use a set of head or speakers to talk on the phone, keep the body when it was open all the time. It?s always better safe than sorry!


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