Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Determine Whether or Not You Need a Hearing Aid

Almost everyone will have some type of deafness, whether it is permanent or temporary, at some point in his or her life. If you are now experiencing it, visit your local audiologist so that you can have it checked. Your problem may be something simple, or it can be more complex, requiring you to be fitted for a hearing aid. These problems can range anywhere from the natural aging process or some type of blockage of part of the ear canal.

Fixing the problem can be fairly simple. If it is a blockage, it can be easily cleaned out at your doctor?s office through the use of instruments or flushing, or it can be done at home through home remedies that your doctor can recommend. Using objects, such as cotton swabs, is never a good way to clean them out. Other things that can cause you to suffer from deafness are infection, injuries, birth defects, or another type of issue that can be found in the canal itself.

The outer ear is not the only problem when it comes to not being able to hear. Deafness can also be the result of a problem in the middle ear. One of these can be an infection, which is a result of fluid build up or swelling inside resulting in the temporary inability to hear. Usually your physician will prescribe some medications to heal. If you have infections often, he may suggest that you get tubes put in so that can you can experience some relief from pressure.

Not only is deafness caused by problems in the outer and middle ear, but also in the inner ear. Some things that damage the inner ear are otosclerosis, which is an extra bone in the ear, tumors, and birth defects. All these things can be corrected through surgery and a hearing aid should not be necessary.

Other things that can cause the loss but don?t result in the need for a hearing aid are fistula, which occurs when some type of trauma to the head has occurred, resulting in the leaking of fluid, due to a fall, as well as exposure to loud noises. This is usually caused by noisy things around you, such as a factory job, constant use of power tools, gunfire without the proper ear protection, and frequent use of earphones. Surgery can also help correct these problems as well.

If you are having trouble with your ears and you want to find what caused it, make an appointment with your audiologist. He can examine you, test your ears, prescribe medications to help you fight infection, and get you fitted for a hearing aid if you need it. There is no reason to miss out on those sounds of life if you don?t have to.

Come to our clinic to find out if you need a northwest illinois hearing aid. Please visit today to learn more.


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