Monday, September 12, 2011

Stop the Denial of Fatherhood; Reform the American Family Court ...






READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!!!!!! hot off the presses?..



Defining Addiction


Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr.

Without the brain to process the contents of external pathogens which have been ingested?or have invaded it -addiction-?could not be readily quantified. Therefore, -it-?is nothing but, a type of? decease that begins in the brain shortly after drug, event, interaction has taken place. Pain, pleasure, euphoria, sadness, paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations and other longterm or temporary effects play an integral part along the process or lenght?of drug interaction or event. Although actions such as cigarrete?smoking, tobaco?chewing, drug ingestion; by needle, or through the nose etc., all eventualy?end? up affecting the brain with their extended effects that may reach to every branch of the human body. The brain is the central processing center where the nicotine, alcohol, poison, air particulates, etc., are eventually dissected, processed and shipped to whatever specific areas of the body are coincidentaly?affected and or intended for. Sexual addiction as a form of decease cannot complete the physical interaction or cycle; which, leads to the final?stage of self gratification. Without the eventual mental processes? and interactions necessary in order to?activate the central nervous systems ability to facilitate?message system signals interrelated with pain and or pleasure. The lonterm?effects of drug abuse and or repetetive?physical interaction wether of a physical nature or a narcotic nature eventually will manifest themselves such as in Methamphetamine abuse; by disturbing mental and or physical scars.? JRH -2011.


New Dawn Media End of Times Timeline as presented by the Word of God and historical records of our present times;
You will reap the whirlwind because you have sowed the wind

The times will come when they will not accept sound doctrine. Then will begin the great falling away and the great wars leading up to The Great
Tribulation,?(for men will become lovers of men and women of women loosing their God given?affection for one another).. The Rapture and The War of Armagedon; The Great Falling Away has already begun around the(1880-until present) followed by a rise in social reformists movement, Communism, Socialism,
Anarchists,World War I, Israel becomes a State, etc.,?
World War II, The Holocaust, Korea, Vietnam, Removal of Pledge Allegience
from schools, Removal of God from Schools, Supreme Court Abortion Decision
allowing for the murder of 60 million babies or more uncounted because of
underground and back door abortions,disrespect for father and mother, the caging of the elderly, rampant acceptance of prostitution, phornography and drug abuse etc.,..



Established Word of God:
For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (Social Unrest)[Eqypt, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Greece, Italy, Great Britain and so on...] and there shall be famines?
[In 2008 over 213 million people died of starvation. In 2009 267 Million people died of Starvation. In 2010 over 300 Million people died of Starvation. Food prices will rise by 187% (nearly 3 times current prices) before the year 2030...]
?, and pestilence and wars and rumors
of wars?if those days would not be shortened the whole world would be
destroyed; if not because of the return of our Great Lord Jesus Christ
(Matthew 24:7-10) The crater left by the 1993 first Twin Towers Bombing was more than 6 stories deep and if the Cyanide had not been burned up from the heat of the device there would have been greater deaths and widespread contamination.

Matthew 24:3? As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ?Tell us,? they said, ?when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?? No man not even the Son of Man knows this But, the Father who sent him?I tell you this when you see the fig tree sprout fruit,?as a thief in the night the Son of Man will return?.
Luke 21:28 and when these things[spoken of here] come to pass then you will see the Son of Man coming down on the clouds?
?When this Mystery of Iniquity takes place and the Holy Spirit?is taken away?.to make way for the Son of Man to come and take his children away with him?.at the Great Rapture, before the Great Tribulation takes place?



Matthew 24: 15 When you see standing in the holy place the abomination that

causes desolation,? watch and be ready like a watchman on the

tower?Ezekiel 35:4.5.6


Immediately after the tribulations of those days shall the sun be darkened and then the trumpet shall sound and the Son of God? will appear and come down upon the clouds and the armies of Heaven beside him to take his chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:29-31)


Luke 17:30-36 ?..30 ?It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed?..31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot?s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve?it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken?and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.? [36]..

You have a responsibility?to watch and be alert and pray for your family and those around you because God has called you out to be a watchman/woman and this timeline will be your most important of all?.. Our enemies have
daclared?war against evry American man women and Jew.

Jeremiah51:27 Blow the trumpets against the nations prepare?

60 or more nations with Alqeada bases of support for terrorists,

100,000 terrorists waiting to strike since,

Go you into all the world and preach the word unto every child and creature!?


Tell them that the day will come when there will be
?a great gathering composed of Angels and Saints witnessing Jesus Christ?s destruction of Satan and the Anti-Christ and it will take seven months to bury the dead and to destroy their weapons?
and a great gathering of all the nations will come against her Babylon the Great?. Jeremiah50:9

I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins.
I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty
and will humble the pride of the ruthless.


A beautiful Christian song
by Marcela Gandara
?Un Viaje Largo? A Long Journey.
I will try to get her video to post to my wall so you can at least hear it though some of you may not understand it. It isn?t so hard to do. She is talking about coming to realize why she is here and how the light of Jesus(God) has finaly come to her and opened her eyes and she says it has been a long journey but finally she has arrived(to the truth of the word). Have you?

Un Viaje Largo?
A sido?largo el viaje?pero?al fin llegue,
La luz llego?a mis ojos?aunque lo dude,
Fueron?muchos?valles?de inseguridad,
Los que cruze,
Fueron?muchos?dias de tanto dudar, pero
Al fin llegue, llegue?a entender?

Que para esta?hora he llegado,
En sus propositos?eternos yo me vi,
Para?esta?hora he llegado,
Aunque?me ha costado?creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy?me encontre.

Y nunca?imagine que dentro de su amor,
Y dentro?de sus planes me encotrara yo,
Fueron?muchas?veces?que la timidez,
Me lo?impidio,
Fuero?muchos?dias de tanto dudar,
Pero al fin llegue, y a entender?

Que para esta?hora he llegado,
A este?tiempo?naci,
En sus propositos?eternos yo me vi,
Para?esta?hora he llegado,
Aunque?me ha costado?creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy?me encontre.

Que para esta?hora he llegado,
A este?tiempo?naci,
En sus propositos?eternos yo me vi,
Para?esta?hora he llegado,
Aunque?me ha costado?creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy?me encontre.

Ah sido?largo el viaje?pero?al fin llegue.

By Marcela Gandara
Thank you Marcela your voice is so beautiful as your song.
JRH?NewDawnMedia 2011



For 1500 hundred years the people of Israel came up to the mountains of Jerusalem and worshipped there three times a year before the Lord. During his Festivals and never did their enemies ever come upon them to war against them; in the times that they observed the word of God and his warning to uphold his Festivals(Holy Days)!


If my people who are called?by my name shall humble themselves..and call out to me and observe my words?then I will hear their prayers from up high and will come to them and be their God again??

Will you call upon him Today?


God says I will bring them back to the land I have given and no one will ever move them from their home ever again!


?Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.?

Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man




?Pretend I do Not See Him There?

By John R. Hernandez,Jr.

Why does Jesus stand so far from me? I see him there afar in the shadows he stares and wonders back at me. He waits for me to come complete to him, he postures back afar and walks away once again because I have not given my life completely to him. Because, I have chosen to stand on the fence, to sit idly by, to ignore his calling, to pretend I do not see him there.Is it because of how terrible life has been to me? Is it because the things I want and need I can?t seem to find? Is it because all the things I reach for seem to slip away and sorrow and solitude close in on me? Is it because he is slowly opening my eyes and I can see all the ugliness, the hatred, the envy and malice around me and inside? Is it because I keep pretending he just isn?t there untill I get what I want? When all he ever wanted is for me to want him back.?
Could this be you?


The Silent Injustice that Just Won?t Go Away; Parental Alienation, Child Support Orders and the Millions of Tax Payer Dollars Pumped Into the States Family Court System

Written and Edited By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 7/11????except for achild? quoted texts???????????

It?s Time to Stop the Denial of Fatherhood; Reform the American Family Court Now System!

Media outlets such as these follow the money trails, the victims of a crime or an injustice; the ones who are pushed?under the massive mechanisms of corrupt enterprises to silence their cries for justice. In order to really know the facts, you have to hear it or read it and you have to do the leg word to peer into the underlying mechanisms which help to sustain Corrupt State and Federaly?Sponosred?Machines of Social Opression. When, are they gonna do a study on the effects of Parental Alienation on Non-Custodial Fathers? There is a systematic and sinister plot by many -supposedly-?father?s rights proponents, government officials, private, institutional and corporate entities and others; to squelch, to silence, to ignore the cries and injustices inflicted every day to Non-Custodial Fathers by America?s Corrupt -to?the core- Family Court System. Could it be that we have exposed the problem a little too much and they are afraid to admit they are wrong and may eventually be ordered to pay relief to the aggrieved? Time will tell.







?The following quoted?text is copyrighted?property?of achild?, is property of?its authors and is placed below for illustration purposes only and not for any commercial gain by this website owner?


Title IV-D and Corruption ?The federal incentives drive the system. The more divorces, and the higher the child-support guidelines are set?and enforced (no matter how unreasonable), the more money the state bureaucracy collects from the feds. Follow the money. The less time that non-custodial parents (usually fathers) are permitted?to be with their children, the more child support they must pay into the state fund, and the higher the federal bonus to the states for collecting the money. ? ? Phyllis Schlafly New Documentary Exposes Title IV-D and Family Court Corruption ? Support? System Down **Be sure to watch the videos below.** Title IV-D and Michigan: Is Michigan a safe place to move your family? Is Michigan a family friendly state? Does the greed for Title IV-D federal incentives create a state that desires or encourages the outcome of a custodial and non-custodial parent? Why have other states passed ?shared parenting? legislation yet Michigan, is still using child custody laws from the 1970s? Title IV-D and Corruption A perfect example of the state of Michigan?destroying the life of an innocent man all for the greed for Title IV-D federal incentives. Robert Parker, Jr Case ? Video ? Flint Journal Article on the Robert Parker, Jr. case. We applaud the efforts of Robert Parker, Jr. in exposing the corruption of?Title IV-D in the state of Michigan. Follow the money and you decide! Michigan has the largest number of families in Title IV-D per capita?in the nation exceeding California by over 2 to 1. Michigan also has the largest ratio of Title IV-D cases per minor child in the nation. Surpassing California by 236 percent: 41.52% vs. 17.63% An excellent overview on Michigan and Title IV-D by the Family Rights Coalition A Child?s Right strongly supports the work of Lary?Holland and The Nationwide Blueprint for Title IV-D Reform Below are articles and videos on Title IV-D and the negative effects on families and children. We will attempt to update our list of articles and videos on a regular basis. Please contact us with any significant resources we may be?missing. We would also suggest that you frequently?check the blog by Michigan?s Title IV-D expert Lary?Holland. Title IV-D ? Social Security Administration. Scroll down and look for Part D Congressional Research Services Reports (CRS) on Title IV-D Child Support History of Child Support (Title IV-D) in the U.S. Summary of Title IV-D Funding and Incentives to Create Non-Custodial Parents Why you should support reform of Title IV-D Articles on Title IV-D ?Welfare for the Affluent? by the Center for Parental Responsibility (CPR) ?How federal welfare funding drives judicial discretion in child-custody determinations and domestic relations matters? by Lary?Holland and Jason Bottomley??Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless? by Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum ?From Welfare State?to Police State? by Dr. Stephen Baskerville Committee on Ways and Means- Statement of Keith McLeod??Thank you for the opportunity to address?the Committee on Ways and Means about waste, fraud, and abuse. The waste and abuse I wish to raise is child support enforcement, per Title IV-D of the Social Securities Act, administered by the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) of the Department of Health and Human Services?(DHHS).? Full Statement Britain Scraps Child Support Agency by David R. Usher ?Repeal the Bradley Amendment? by Phyllis Schlafly??Child Support and the Marriage Question? by Stephen Baskerville ?The Price Some Reservists Have To Pay? by Phyllis Schlafly??Divorced From Reality on Child Support? by Dianna Thompson and Glenn Sacks??Federal Title IV-D: A Case Study of a Migratory Pattern of Incentivus?federalis perversus? by Jim Loose ?The Multiple Scandals of CHILD SUPPORT? by K.C. Wilson ?Child Support at a Crossroads: When the Real World Intrudes Upon Academics and Advocates? by Ronald K. Henry ?When Child Support Is Due, Even the Poor Find Little Mercy? by Leslie Kaufman ?New Study Shows Child Support Guidelines in Need of Reform? by Jeffery M. Leving?and Glenn Sacks ?It?s Child Support Guidelines that Need Surgery, Not ?Deadbeat Dads?? by Jeffery M. Leving?and Glenn Sacks ?Not the Era of the Deadbeat Dad but the Era of the Hero Father? by Jeffery M Leving?and Glenn Sacks ?Federal Child Support Enforcement Cuts Will Hurt Bureaucrats, not Children? by Jeffery M. Leving?and Glenn Sacks ?New Court Targets Federal Money Not Delays? by Lary?Holland ?Title IV-D Employee Embezzles?Quarter of Million in Child Support Enforcement Money? by Lary?Holland ?Child Support Programs Lack Accountability Nationwide (Title IV-D Fails Needy)? by Lary Holland ?The Failure of Family Policy? by Dr. Stephen Baskerville?




My English and Spanish Compilation of Prose

Spanish and English Prose from the Heart of a Spanish Poet





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