Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nick Leopard: Wall Street's new 'It' Guy - The Term Sheet: Fortune's ...

Nick Leopard, 32, on the roof of Accordion's office in downtown Manhattan

Nick Leopard, 32, on the roof of Accordion's office in downtown Manhattan

FORTUNE -- Pam Hendrickson needed reinforcements. Recently the chief operating officer of the Riverside Co., a private equity firm that owns more than 80 companies on four continents with combined sales of $3.2 billion, was trying to deliver a five-year budget for all of Riverside's operations. She found herself shorthanded -- one key employee was on maternity leave, another had just left -- and the task required masterful financial modeling skills. In a bind, she turned to Nick Leopard. Says Hendrickson: "Anytime we need analytic help, Nick is my first call."

Leopard, 32, is the CEO of Accordion Partners, a financial services consulting firm that he founded in late 2009. Leopard and his team of 25 bankers act as a sort of rapid-response unit that can drop into a private equity firm or one of its portfolio companies and fix problems of all kinds -- temporarily expanding management's capacity, as the name Accordion suggests. "As much as private equity firms push, the management teams at their portfolio companies often can't build extremely complex forecasts," says Leopard. "So then there are surprises that no one saw coming." Leopard specializes in minimizing those unwanted surprises.

MORE: Private equity's golden hangover

A former lacrosse goalie at Saint Joseph's University, Leopard began his career at the commercial lender CapitalSource (CSE) in 2002 before moving to investment banking at Bear Stearns in 2005. In 2007 he joined the investment team at BHC Interim Funding, a $200 million mezzanine debt fund. Along the way he formed a network of future clients like Providence Equity Partners and Riverside.

As the financial crisis unfolded in 2008, Leopard concluded that Wall Street was going to change: Headcounts would shrink, dealmaking would slow, and buyout firms would have to hold on to portfolio companies longer. He sensed an opportunity. "You could see that the buyout firms were going to get strapped but would still want to give their portfolio companies extra help when the economy slowed," he says. Leopard has purposely kept Accordion's business model flexible. For example, his team can advise on M&A transactions like an investment bank. But unlike a bank, which makes fees on completed deals, Accordion bills strictly for its bankers' time. The firm is paid even if the deal doesn't get done, so there's no built-in incentive to push for a bad transaction.

In September, Accordion launched a new practice called CFO Leadership Services. The idea is to help companies manage investor relations, risk management, compliance, and crisis situations. Leopard says he sees another void in the market in those areas. And he's ready to fill it.

This story is from the November 12, 2012 issue of Fortune.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Earth-size Alpha Centauri B planet detected by telltale star wobble

HARPS, as the instrument is called, successfully detected a rocky planet around one of Earth?s closest neighboring stars when other tools missed it.

By Rachel Kaufman,?TechNewsDaily Contributor / October 18, 2012

This artist's impression shows the planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri B, a member of the triple star system that is the closest to Earth in this image released on October 17, 2012.

L. Calcada/N. Risinger/ESO/Reuters


The instrument astronomers used to discover the small rocky planet circling the star Alpha Centauri B that was announced this week was not a glitzy new high-tech space telescope, but rather a decade-old workhorse attached to a ground observatory in Chile.

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HARPS, as the instrument is called, successfully?detected a rocky planet?around one of Earth?s closest neighboring stars when other tools missed it because astronomers have had plenty of time to learn what it is capable of, planet hunter Xavier Dumusque of Geneva Observatory, Switzerland and the Center for Astrophysics at the University of Porto, Portugal, said.

After 10 years of working with HARPS, "we understand much better how the instrument works now," he added.

"And we have used a new strategy to observe the star, which allows us to average the perturbing signals" to eliminate noise.

[App Provides Up-Close Look at Far-Out Exoplanets]

Alpha Centauri Bb, as the new planet is known, has a mass about the same as Earth and is likely rocky. However, unlike Earth, it's likely roasting at 2,200 degrees F (1,204 degrees C) due to how close it is to its parent star.

HARPS, a spectrograph on the European Southern Observatory?s 3.6 meter telescope in La Silla, Chile, works by looking for telltale "wobbles" in a star, caused by an orbiting planet gravitationally tugging on the star. That means that it's much easier to find heavy, Jupiter-like planets than tiny low-mass planets.

"This technique depends on two things," Dumusque said. "The mass of the planet ? the more mass, the easier it is to detect ? and also the distance to the star. In this case, it is a small-mass planet, but it is still very close," which is what made the detection possible.

Even still, the researchers had to deal with interfering signals ? from the star itself.

[Gallery: Nearby Alien Planet Alpha Centauri Bb]

Alpha Centauri B?is one star in a two-star system, but eliminating the noise from the second star was easy, Dumusque said. But the surface activity of Alpha Centauri B itself was enough to throw off instruments. "The surface of the star is not solid. It's very high temperature. It's ... boiling, so you have some bubbles that come up to the surface. These bubbles are [an interfering] signal." Even sunspots ? tangled knots of magnetic activity found on the surface of stars, including our own sun ? can affect HARPS, since the instrument relies on Doppler effects to determine a star's wobbles. A sunspot appearing in view of HARPS can affect the star's perceived redshift and thus trick the instrument into thinking it saw a wobble.

That led to the discovery of the planet, which is "for sure" accompanied by others that scientists haven't yet found, he added. "Statistics show that if you have a very small mass planet in one system, you have other planets in the same system. With this case, with Alpha Centauri B ... we don't have the precision to find them, but for sure there are other planets in the system."

Alpha Cen Bb's gravitational effect on the star causes it to move by just 19.6 inches (50 centimeters) per second. In comparison, if alien observers wanted to discover Earth using the same method, they'd need an instrument that could detect wobbles of 3.9 inches (10 cm) per second. The Espresso instrument, scheduled to go online in 2016, will be able to observe with that precision. "With this instrument, it should be possible to discover Earth's twin," Dumusque said.

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Sea lice mob devours pig from the inside out

Sandrine Ceurstemont, editor, New Scientist TV

Finding a dead body in the ocean may be gruesome, but for forensic scientists it can also be perplexing. Although the way a body decomposes on land is well understood, little is known about how human remains fare underwater.

Now a pioneering experiment lead by forensic scientist Gail Anderson from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, is using dead pigs as a model for humans to gain insight. In this video, a pig carcass is tracked as it turns to bones in the ocean, capturing the scavengers that visit the body. Sharks are unable to tuck in since it's enclosed (as is the octopus lurking at the end of the video), giving sea lice exclusive access to the remains. They enter orifices in droves to feast on the animal from the inside out and congregate on the cage bars to prevent other arthropods, like shrimp, from getting a bite. "By the end of the fourth day, the sea lice had left and the pigs were reduced to bones," says Anderson.

Shrimp arrive to pick at the skeleton, eventually removing all the cartilage. The team then recovered the bones which, strangely, were jet black for a period of 48 hours. "This is something that has never been seen before," says Lynne Bell, a member of the team. "Colleagues are working to identify the micro-organisms collected close to the bone, which may help to identify the unique chemistry of the change."

The pig carcasses are revealing for the first time how different conditions, for example depth and seasonal changes, affect decomposition in seawater. "We have had a lot of disarticulated feet wash up on our shores in running shoes," says Anderson. "This work is showing the public how crab and shrimp activity can result in severed limbs and that's it's a normal process."

For more gruesome details about body decomposition, read our feature, "Death: The natural history of corpses" or check out the rest of our special issue on death.

If you enjoyed this post, watch wild animals devour an elephant.


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Just in: yet another US orchestra is locked out

Is it not true that what we consider ? music as art ? today was in it?s day, ? music as entertainment ?? The decision as to what is entertainment and what is art seems to lie along the line of what folks are willing to spend their dwindling ? desposable income ? on. As to whether ? the state ? should become the benefactor in support of ? art music ?, isn?t it worth noting that much of the ? art music ? of today was originally underwritten by ? the state ?, or at least members of ? the elite ruling class ??

Two things have happened, in my opinion. Music appreciation courses have been eliminated from school curricula; and managerial salaries have become abusive. As for ? music appreciation ?, I suppose it could be argued that if it is necessary to teach one how/why to appreciate ? art ? then the art has lost its relevancy. But without community outreach ( youth concerts, etc ) where will the next paying audiences come from . . . . and not just paying concert-goers, but citizens within the business community who feel that they should contribute through endowing/underwrtitng their orchestras?

Maybe it?s necessary to pay management salaries which are competitive with other management salaries within the community in order to obtain and retain the kind of talent necessary to perpetuate fiscally sound programs and practices which assure longer-term stability than the lesser-paid managerial staff who see in many cases a launching pad for a greater career? I can sympathize with musicians who, being asked to take pay and benefit concessions, don?t see a similar sacrifice being made on the management end of the stick. Surely this conflict could be handled better in many cases without the musicians yielding to the pressure from unions and guilds to strike? . . . . but then without the conflicts, there wouldn?t be any need for unions, eh?

In order for orchestras to survive, there will necessarily be fewer of them, perhaps becomming regional organizations instead of city-specific. I don?t think private underwriting will be enough for survival, with more dependency on state support ultimately being required. I think there is plenty of room for fresh, creative presentation as opposed to the 100 penguins sitting stiffly on a stage. My instincts tell me that there may be a whole new, visually stimulating video/multi-media universe of performance presentation out there which would excite audiences and encourage new, integrated compositions.

We gotta think out of the box with respect to musician/management relations, AND repertoire/venue presentations!


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Airbus may hike A350-1000 output in "mini-jumbo" battle

PARIS (Reuters) - Airbus is looking at increasing planned production for the largest member of its A350 family to power its next important struggle with Boeing for a lucrative corner of the jet market, two people familiar with the matter said.

The plans emerge on the eve of Tuesday's inauguration in Toulouse, southwest France, of an assembly factory for the A350, which is being developed at an estimated cost of $15 billion.

The lightweight carbon-composite aircraft is Airbus's answer to two categories of Boeing long-haul jet: the 787 Dreamliner, which pioneered the large-scale of fuel-saving materials, and the more traditional metallic but still popular 365-seat 777.

The largest variant, the 350-seat A350-1000, will allow Airbus to compete directly with the twin-engined 777 "mini-jumbo". The duel is shaping as the next major aviation battle, with sales of up to 2,000 jets at stake over the next 20 years.

Airbus blames a shortage of delivery slots for slow sales of the A350-1000, which has notched up 88 orders and seen several cancellations since launch, though its U.S. rival claims Airbus was wrong to try to compete in two segments with one plane.

Raising production would free up more slots to be sold.

"Airbus is looking at ways of increasing A350-1000 production," a person familiar with the matter told Reuters.

It was not immediately clear whether this would be at the expense of production for the two smaller models of A350 or mean an increase in total production. There has been speculation the A350-800 could be scaled back to focus on larger models.

A spokeswoman for EADS subsidiary Airbus declined specific comment on production for the A350-1000, but said production for the overall series - officially known as the A350 XWB - was designed to accommodate changes in demand.

"The A350 XWB final assembly line is designed to be flexible and to be able to produce all three members of the A350 family (-800, -900, -1000)," the spokeswoman said by email.

"We are working on a ramp-up to 10 per month to be reached four years after the first A350 XWB delivery and are constantly and closely following market trends so that we anticipate and adapt our production to meet our customers' needs."

At first, Airbus will focus on production of the 314-seat A350-900, the best-selling of all three A350 models and one designed to compete head-to-head with the 787 Dreamliner, which entered regular service in Japan almost exactly a year ago.

First flight is planned for mid-2013 and first delivery for the second half of the following year, suggesting the full production rate will be achieved in late 2018. The first A350-1000 is due in 2017 but it is sold out until late-decade.


Airbus is locked in a psychological battle with Boeing over the A350-1000, which was recently beefed up with a more powerful Rolls-Royce engine to improve payload and range.

Boeing produces seven 777s a month and plans to lift this to 8.3 after a record sales streak for the jet, which was extended by a $4.5 billion Turkish Airlines order on Monday.

But even the 777's industry fans acknowledge the 1990s metal design will eventually face headwinds from the A350-1000's lighter design, and Boeing has been toying for months with a 777 revamp that includes less thirsty engines and new wings.

While Boeing is under pressure from top buyers such as Emirates to firm up its plans for the 777X, as the tentative new version is known, Airbus is under pressure to score quick sales of the A350-1000 to recoup lost momentum. It says the plane offers significant savings over the current 777.

After a flurry when the A350 was launched in 2007, sales of the 350-seat A350-1000 went quiet until Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific placed a new order for 10 and upgraded orders for 16 of the smaller A350-900 model in July.

Industry analysts say that as well as pushing new sales, Airbus is actively trying to persuade buyers of its smaller A350-900 to trade up in pursuit of more payload and range, and a further rejigging of the order backlog cannot be ruled out.

On Tuesday, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault will inaugurate the A350 plant in Toulouse in honor of one the European jetmaker's French founders amid a row over investment.

Germany is withholding half of an estimated 1.2 billion euro A350 development loan to voice unease over jobs.

The ceremony may also be held against a backdrop of fresh trade clashes with the United States, which wants to include the A350 in a long-running transatlantic subsidy dispute.

Washington has been studying European A350 data since last month and trade sources say it could give a response by Tuesday.

(Editing by Mark Potter)


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit resigns


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Facebook vs Google Plus: The Classic Battle ... - SEO Service Online

Social networking is the trend of the season and Facebook have created a huge impact among people to make use of social network for diversity of purposes.Google Plus vs Facebook Still there are several other networks like twitter with millions of users it, the fame of Facebook remains unconcealed. Until the introduction of Google plus there is no much severe competitor to Facebook. With the launch of Google plus by Google, the internet giant it has started to take advantage over Facebook. The plenty of benefits offered by Google plus make all the folks to turn into the Google plus usage in spite of an active account in Facebook. Let us see some of the factors like number of users, benefits of Google plus over Facebook, its marketing strategy and many other trends which facilitate Google plus to conquer its battle against Facebook.

With regard to the volume of users, Google plus has not revealed the accurate volume but they have proudly announced there are millions of users utilizing the services provided by them. There is no definite number of users announced officially by Google, but the astonishing fact is the number of users is on the rise favorably. There are more than 750 million users for Facebook and the percent of men and women using Facebook remains equal. But with the case of Google plus, men tends use it more than women and it is most popular among businesses.

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Privacy and security offered by Google plus is highly attractive and if compared with the privacy of Facebook, Google plus stands in the top of the list. It is not as addictive as Facebook and it gives a realization of spending some worthy time in front of PC. The marketing strategy of Google plus is the reason behinds its familiarity in a short span of time within its launch. It achieves the targeted traffic with Gmail, Google analytics, Adsense and Adwords and the innovative methods used by Google plus gives it the visible traffic. If you feel that you are wasting your precious time in social network and likes to turn over into a useful site, analyze new social platform like Google plus and learn how it battles against the other social networking sites.

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Tags: google plus, google plus business, internet marketing, new social icon, social media marketing


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

NBA star Luc Longley is in India

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekly Horoscope 2012: October 15 to 21 | Relationships |

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Indiatimes Astrospeak


Want to know what this week holds for you? Check out the astro predictions for both, your personal and professional life, as per your Zodiac sign. It will help you plan the days ahead.

Aries: This is a sensitive week for you. You may find yourself very wrapped up in your own affairs. You have many small problems to sort out that concern you, but still and all, you must not be indifferent to the feelings of other members of your family.? Some extra responsibilities will be conferred upon you in the second half of the week. Do not allow negative feelings to affect you performance on the job. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 4 and winning colours are turquoise and navy blue. Your lucky days are Wednesday and Sunday.

Taurus: This is a fair week for you. The early days of the week will be just the kind of time that you need. You will be able to get on with the chores in and around the house. Influential people will be expecting quite a lot from you this week. There will not be much opportunity to earn bonus payments. But those who are self-employed will have better opportunities to increase business profits. Your lucky numbers for the week are 5and 8 and winning colours are Pearl and rust. Your lucky days are Thursday and Tuesday.

Gemini: This is a pleasant week for many of you. Your energy would be best spent on domestic matters. Family members will be helpful and understanding. Sharing a project will be more productive that going it alone. Bring your loved ones on a mutual effort as it may make a job fun. Take things easy towards week?s end. Your lucky numbers are 4 and 8 and winning colours are beige and indigo. Your lucky days are Monday and Wednesday.

Cancer: This is a bit confusing week for some of you. You should not take on any additional responsibilities that will make your feel uptight or tense in any way. Too much rushing about will merely result in exhaustion. Perform your duties carefully and thoroughly. The second half of the week is normal. Spend time with family members. Your lucky numbers are 4 and 8 and winning colours are off-white and red. Your lucky days are Sunday and Wednesday.

Leo: This is a good week for you. Some improvement is indicated in the early days of the week. You will find it easier to get on with other members of your family and to communicate meaningfully with them. In the second half of the week, try to sort out any financial problems that have been worrying you. Women should cut down their expenses on shopping this weekend. Your lucky numbers are 5 and 8 and winning colours are white and black. Your lucky days Wednesday and Saturday.

Virgo: This is a mixed week for you. You will not have very much trouble finding the right way to approach your superiors. Home life may be a little unsettled. Get your mate or partner to understand your true motives. Friends may pay you a surprise visit in the second half of the week. Your lucky numbers are 1 and 9 and winning colours are maroon and pink.

Libra: This is an earnest and promising week for some of you. Recreational and sporting activities can be useful in the early days of week. This will also be favorable for communicating with people at a distance. You will be able to get on top of routine matter that you do not want to have to deal with later in the week. Loved ones will be available to you especially in the weekend. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 5 and winning colours silver and black.

Scorpio: This is an easygoing week. The early half of the week will probably get off to a slow and uneventful start. You will be able to impress influential people who want to deal with routine matters. The second half of the week is good time to catch up with backlogs and bring overdue projects to close. Your lucky numbers are 1 and 3 and winning colours are orange and turquoise.

Sagittarius: This is a harmonious week for you. Family members should be given every consideration. Continue to do what you can to improve your relationship with your beloved. Superiors may be glad to assist you in turning your creative enterprises into commercial propositions. Your lucky numbers are 6 and 9 and winning colours are red and black.

Capricorn: This is a good week for many of you. Promotion or recognition should mean an increase in real terms. Take opportunities that arise this week. Private pleasure and hobbies as well as social pursuits may be rather costly when you look at them as a whole. Your lucky numbers are 3 and 9 and winning colors are Grey and brown.

Aquarius: This is a general week for you. During the first half of the week romance can play a big part in your life. Happily married couples should be able to enjoy new interests together. Your mind can be fully made up during the week. The second half of the week is spontaneous and action packed for some of you. Your lucky numbers for the week are 1 and 8 and winning colors are olive and purple.

Pisces: This is a mixed week for you. During the first half of the week you will have to be really careful about your performance at your work place. Personal income can be increased most of the week. You could find yourself in a more responsible position after mid-week. Your lucky numbers are 6 and 4 and winning colors are peach and black.

Source: Astrospeak Panel


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Of mice and men

Monday, October 15, 2012

So-called Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) is even less attractive in real life than it is on paper. It is a highly aggressive type of lymphoma that generally occurs in children and young adults and that has to date proven extremely difficult to treat. It has long been known that ALCL patients frequently show a genetic alteration (a translocation) that causes expression of nucleophosmin-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (NPM-ALK), a gene known to be capable of giving rise to cancer. But how the NPM-ALK gene works has to date remained largely a matter of conjecture.

Working in a mouse model for lymphoma, Karoline Kollmann in Veronika Sexl's group at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna and colleagues in the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research and the Medical University of Vienna were able to show that the development of lymphoma is absolutely dependent on the "Platelet derived growth factor receptor B" (PDGFRB), a protein already associated with the growth of other types of tumour. They demonstrated that the effect was direct, with NPM-ALK stimulating the production of the transcription factors JUN and JUNB, which bind to and activate the PDGFRB promoter. And importantly they were able to show that inhibition of PDGFRB with the drug imatinib was able to extend dramatically the survival of mice with this kind of lymphoma.

In human patients, ALCL is traditionally treated with crizotinib, a drug that directly inhibits the NPM-ALK protein. The major problem is that the patients tend to relapse and their chances of survival are extremely poor. Based on the results from the imatinib tests in mice it seemed conceivable that the use of this drug might improve the prognosis of patients who do not or no longer respond to crizotinib therapy. The scientists obtained ethical approval and informed consent to attempt imatinib treatment of an ALCL patient who had not responded to conventional chemotherapy and had relapsed after transplantation of stem cells. Remarkably, the patient improved immediately upon imatinib treatment: after ten days he was in complete remission and he is still alive ? and again working ? 22 months later.

The idea of inhibiting PDGFRB in ALCL is novel and potentially of great therapeutic importance. Kollmann is naturally extremely excited by the implications of the results. "The patient had essentially run out of options and would have died a long time ago. But thanks to the indications from our mouse work that inhibiting PDGFRB could prevent growth of this type of tumour he is still alive. This new type of therapy could significantly prolong patient survival."

Intriguingly, the researchers have also found that PDGRFB is also present in ALCL patients without the translocation that leads to NPM-ALK expression. Whether the PDGRFB protein is required for the development of tumours in such patients is not yet clear but it is possible that a combined crizotinib / imatinib therapy might be more widely applicable, providing hope for patients suffering from other types of lymphoma.

The paper "Identification of PDGFR blockade as a rational and highly effective therapy for NPM-ALK driven lymphomas" by Daniela Laimer, Helmut Dolznig, Karoline Kollmann, Paul W. Vesely, Michaela Schlederer, Olaf Merkel, Ana-Iris Schiefer, Melanie R. Hassler, Susi Heider, Lena Amenitsch, Christiane Thallinger, Philipp B. Staber, Ingrid Simonitsch-Klupp, Matthias Artaker, Sabine Lagger, Stefano Pileri, Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Peter Valent, Katia Messana, Indira Landra, Thomas Weichhart, Sylvia Knapp, Medhat Shehata, Maria Todaro, Veronika Sexl, Gerald H?fler, Roberto Piva, Enzo Medico, Bruce A. Riggeri, Mangeng Cheng, Robert Eferl, Gerda Egger, Josef M. Penninger, Ulrich Jaeger, Richard Moriggl, Giorgio Inghirami and Lukas Kenner is published in the current issue of "Nature Medicine". The first four authors contributed equally to the work.


University of Veterinary Medicine -- Vienna:

Thanks to University of Veterinary Medicine -- Vienna for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 21 time(s).


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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Orthodox leader addresses Synod, cites progress since Vatican II ...

CWN - October 11, 2012

In an October 11 address to the Synod of Bishops, the Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople said: "Our presence here signifies and seals our commitment to witness together to the Gospel message of salvation and healing for the least of our brethren: the poor, the oppressed, the forgotten in God?s world.?

The Ecumenical Patriarch called attention to the date, the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II, which he described as a ?transforming milestone? in Church history. Citing the progress that has been made in those 50 years in relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches, the Orthodox leader said: ?We join in the hope that the barrier dividing the Eastern Church and the Western Church will be removed, and that - at last - there may be but the one dwelling, firmly established on Christ Jesus, the Cornerstone, Who will make both one.?

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Turkey condemns U.N. inertia as Syrian conflict deepens

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan rebuked the U.N. Security Council for inaction over Syria on Saturday as war intensified across the country, saying the world body of superpowers was repeating mistakes that led to massacres in Bosnia in the 1990s.

President Bashar al-Assad's forces used air strikes and artillery to bombard insurgents on several fronts in the 19-month-old conflict, which risks dragging in regional powers with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough.

Turkey - increasingly entangled after having intercepted a Syrian airliner carrying what it said were Russian-made munitions for the Syrian army, infuriating Moscow and Damascus - has led calls for intervention, including no-fly zones enforced by foreign aircraft to stop deadly air raids by Assad's forces.

But there is little chance of U.N. support for robust action. China insists any solution to Syria's crisis must come from within while Russia has said many Syrians still support Assad. Western nations meanwhile are loath to commit to any military action that could touch off a regional sectarian war.

"The U.N. Security Council has not intervened in the human tragedy that has been going on in Syria for 20 months, despite all our efforts," Erdogan told a conference in Istanbul attended by dignitaries including Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby. "There's an attitude that encourages, gives the green light to Assad to kill tens or hundreds of people every day."

The bloodshed has worsened markedly in the past two months although neither side has been able to gain a distinct advantage, with government force relying heavily on air power and artillery to batter the rebels.

Combat has been reported nationwide but the crucial strategic battles are being fought in an arc through western Syria, where most of the population lives.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was expected to meet U.N. special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on the sidelines of the Istanbul conference later. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said this week Brahimi would visit Syria soon to try to persuade Assad to call an immediate ceasefire.

The government dispatched warplanes to attack insurgent forces surrounding the Wadi-al-Dayf military barracks near Maarat al-Numan in Idlib province, wounding 22 rebels, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The rebels captured Maarat al-Numan this week, cutting the main north-south highway linking Damascus, Homs and Aleppo, and government forces will need to retake it in order to reinforce and resupply Aleppo - Syria's largest city and commercial hub.


The U.N. Security Council, divided between Western powers on one side and Russia and China on the other, has proved helpless in halting a conflict which has spiraled into civil war and killed more than 30,000 people.

Erdogan said a system which allowed one or two nations to block intervention in such a grave humanitarian crisis was inherently unjust, and that Syria would go down in history as a U.N. failure much like Bosnia in the 1990s.

"How sad is that the United Nations is as helpless today as it was 20 years ago when it watched the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans, Bosnia and Srebrenica," Erdogan told the Istanbul conference.

The July 1995 massacre in Srebrenica was the worst on European soil since World War Two, in which Dutch U.N. peacekeepers abandoned what had been designated a U.N. safe haven to advancing Bosnian Serb forces, who then killed 8,000 Muslim men and boys and bulldozed their corpses into pits.

Turkish officials had expressed hope they might be able to persuade Moscow, which sold Syria $1 billion of arms last year, to soften its strident opposition at the Security Council and that if it succeeded, China would follow suit.

But relations between Ankara and Moscow sank to a new low this week after Turkey forced down a passenger jet flying from Moscow and publicly accused Russia of ferrying military equipment to Assad's forces.

Russia has said there were no weapons on the plane and that it was carrying a legal shipment of radar equipment.


Elsewhere on Syria's battlefronts on Saturday, government forces rained mortar fire down on the opposition-held Khalidiya neighborhood of the city of Homs, the Observatory said. Explosions were felt throughout the besieged district.

To the south of Damascus near Deraa - cradle of the uprising which began with peaceful street rallies - Assad's troops and rebels were fighting on the edge of the town of Maarba.

After four days of heavy fighting in the town of Azmarin on the Turkish border, the rebels appeared to have a fragile hold.

"Praise be the town is now in our hands ... We have raised two flags inside the town and the battles are over. Azmarin is completely under our control," one resident, who did not want to be named, told Reuters by telephone from inside the town.

But a few km (miles) along the border clashes continued in the Syrian town of Darkush, where the crack of gunfire and sporadic sound of shelling could be heard from Turkey.

In a preliminary death toll across the country for Friday alone, the Observatory listed about 160 dead. Among them were a 3-year-old child killed in a bombardment of old Aleppo, a district whose ancient buildings have been severely damaged.

Tensions between Ankara and Damascus have also worsened. Turkey scrambled two fighter jets on Friday after a Syrian helicopter bombed Azmarin and has warned of a more forceful response if Syrian shells continue to fly over the border.

Syria's state news agency SANA said Damascus was ready to accept a Russian proposal for a Syrian-Turkish joint security committee to try to contain the border violence. There was no confirmation of this from the Turkish side.

(Reporting by Angus MacSwan in Beirut and Jonathon Burch on the Turkey-Syria border; Writing by Nick Tattersall; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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